I am a neat freak; I won’t deny it. I can’t work or think clearly in cluttered spaces. I am also fanatic about designing systems. I love designing a system, implementing it, and seeing if and how it works, and modifying and upgrading it. I can do this with any organization or management system from company to home to my wardrobe. I guess you can call it my hobby.
For my wardrobe, I am forever striving to find the best way to organize my clothes and accessories. I think I have been doing this since my early teens. I like everything hung (or as many as the space permits), sorted by model, color, length, etc. For example, I always start with short tops hung on one end, light colors first and progressing to dark colors, and finishing with longer tops. Then I do the same with skirts, then trousers, dresses, jackets, coats, etc.
Every season, I change my wardrobe as if it were a ritual in celebration of a new beginning. I pack away all the heavy winter clothes (who wants to see them anymore when the sun is shining outside at 20C!?) ,and replace them with lighter ones. I put away my boots neatly in boxes and bring out those sweet ballerina flats I love. Oh sweet joy.
So in this post, I thought I would share some of my top MUSTS for organizing a wardrobe:
Before you think I’m completely mad, I will just add my final golden rule of thumb: Be a good editor! Truly, select those that you adore, and put away those that you don’t. No one has unlimited shelf space no matter how big the wardrobe is. My mother always says that if there’s something you haven’t worn for over 2 years, chances that you will wear them again are really rather slim. The moral to this? Put away EVERYTHING you don’t need. And be strict about it. Stop that thought that begins with, “Oh, but one day I might…”. No, trust me, that day will not come. You will buy and fall in love with something else. That is fashion.
If you have any tips about organizing your wardrobe that you’d like to share, please leave a comment!
(Photo from http://www.shelterness.com/20-wardrobe-organization-ideas/ )
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Kedvelem a jó kérdéseket. Néha fontosabbak, mint a válaszok.
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A stílusos élet fontosságának hirdetése.
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Tizennégyszer láttam a Keresztapa-trilógiát.
Zenét hallgatok/készítek.
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Az vagy, amit nézel.
Hegedűs Ágota
Grafikus, belsőépítész.
Creative Image Artist
Büntetőbíró, majd mindenféle szöveg író.
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