This past weekend, upon the onset of Spring and while heading out for breakfast, I searched my wardrobe to find the perfect pair of ballerina flats that would go with the jeans I was wearing. While meticulously sifting through my mini flats collection, I secretly rejoiced, “Spring… the time for ballerina flats is here again!”
I often think that the ankle is one of the most sensual and delicate parts of a woman’s body, and that exposing them delicately is one of the most beautiful and alluring things one can do to perfect her attire. For those that agree with me, ballerina flats are our ankles’ best friend.
While the rest of the fashion world is writing about clogs and kitten heels for this season, I remain a diehard fan of ballerina flats. Simple, classy, and, most of all, comfortable, for me they can be the perfect accompaniment to any outfit, casual, professional, or formal.
So, as usual, I have my favorite ballerina flats this Spring season, which are shamelessly many.
First up is the Kartell x Moschino Bow Wow series:
My favorite are the black ones with antique pink bows, but the fruity colors in the series are just as mouth-watering. Launched in Pitti Women last June, this is the second collaboration between Kartell and Moschino following the famous Madamoiselle Chair. Made from 100% recyclable, non-toxic plastic technopolymer, they carry that pretty trademark Moschino bow which is humorously perched on the toe.
Next up is Jimmy Choo’s Warwick leather ballerina flats. A classic blush hue adorned with an oversized flower embellishment, these flats have a classical and feminine touch to them, perfect for any look that you want to sprinkle a little elegance with.
Or, perhaps you might fancy something a little more funky? Bloch’s Bettina striped leather ballerina flats are the answer then. Bloch is an Australian brand that, since 1932, has created hand-made ballet and pointe shoes for esteemed ballet dancers. I love the artsy, distressed finish to these multicolored flats, which for sure will glam up any outfit for day or night.
Lastly, when talking about ballerina flats, the worldly-renowned Repetto can not be forgotten. For their Spring collection, I immediately fell in love with these denim-trim ballerina pumps that I would wear with any of my day outfits. Rose Repetto began her shop in 1956 in Paris’ Rue de la Paix with ballerina flats inspired by demi-pointe dancing shoes, and still they remain every girl’s favorite today. Each pair is unique, as production still remains traditional and only produced in limited quantity.
You can find some of these items online at or (my two favorite online shopping sites). Happy Spring shopping!
(Note to readers: I must apologize for the few typos in my previous posts. As much as I’d like to blame it on my soon-to-be-ten-month-old son for distracting me every now and then when I attempt to write, there is just no excuse for it after all! ☺)
Független portfólió építő felület alkotóművészek és a vizuális művészetek iránt érdeklődők részére.
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