I really should have jotted down all of my ideas for these posts. Ideas can spring up on me anytime of the day, but I am often not quick enough to take out my phone / laptop/ traditional Smythson notebook and jot them down. Then, when I start writing, I am back to square one, “What should I write about this time?”
Seeing that the biggest holiday for the majority of the Western world is approaching in one week, I guess it would be suitable to delve a little more into the topic. I don’t know how many of you reading this are starting to plan that special family meal, and I hope you are not fretting over it. Yes, it will be a lot of work, from preparation and clean up. But, hey, let’s at least make it a bit sexy and fun.
First up, a little booze. Who can say “No” to that? We’ll start with a few chic cocktail ideas:
Gingerbread Apple Cocktail
2 oz. Domaine de Canton
1 oz. vanilla vodka
2.5 oz. apple cider
A few drops of lemon juice
Orange zest
Agave syrup
Line a chilled martini glass lightly with agave syrup on a dish followed by spiced graham cracker crumbs. Place all ingredients except for orange zest in a shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into glass. Freshly grate orange zest on drink and serve immediately.
Holiday Glogg
12 oz. SKYY vodka
1 bottle (750 ml) dry red wine
1.5 tbsp. mulling spices
1 tsp. fresh orange zest
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. blanched almonds
4 tbsp. raisins
Wrap mulling spices in cheesecloth. In a large saucepan, combine the wine, SKYY vodka, cheesecloth with mulling spices, orange zest, and sugar. Allow to very lightly simmer over medium heat for at least 30 minutes (do not boil). Discard the mulling spices. Drop a few raisins and almonds at the bottom of each mug and top with the hot liquid.
Tinsel Bellini
1 oz. limoncello
1 oz. Champagne
Splash of lime juice
Rim the Champagne flute with a light coat of sugar. Pour chilled HPNOTIQ, limoncello, and Champagne into the champagne flute. Add a splash of lime juice.
Next up are flowers. I am a fan of fresh flowers for the home and office. I love the look and scent of them, and they always bring a sense of life, in its most beautiful form, to a space of concrete walls. I prefer simple and creative arrangements, and here are some new ideas for those of you looking for a different kind of Christmas bouquet:
A combination with equisetums, pinecones, and red anthuriums, almost with an Asian touch. (additional images)
An elegant option with lime green cymbidium orchids and burgundy red roses, completed with pine, kermit mums, tulips and hydrangea. Unless you are as crafted as my mother-in-law, you may need to consult your florist on this one. (additional images)
Another little beauty:
Again, you may need your florist’s help to make this arrangement come to life, but I can not imagine any girlfriend or wife who would not be completely taken by this little ensemble.
Lastly, setting the table. We’ve all been to chic restaurants where the eye is drawn to the food before it even appears on the table. That’s the wonder of creating an ambience through lighting and decor, and I am a sucker for that (hopefully, by now, I have learned NOT to overrate the food because of this). In any case, here are some simple, yet elegant, designs in Christmas red:
And a few twists on the traditional red color theme:
Now, let’s get tipsy, smell the flowers, and dazzle your eyes in decorative beauty. It is a sure way to ease anyone into a smooth and delightful Christmas. ☺
Független portfólió építő felület alkotóművészek és a vizuális művészetek iránt érdeklődők részére.
Írni, olvasni, fotózni és motorozni szeretek, számolni tudok.
Kedvelem a jó kérdéseket. Néha fontosabbak, mint a válaszok.
A magazin 2010-ben indult, fiatalokhoz szóló, független kulturális portál.
A stílusos élet fontosságának hirdetése.
Olvasni jó, a könyvet továbbadni kúl.
Mindegy honnan jössz, a lényeg, hogy tudd hová tartasz, és míg odaérsz, légy jobb minden nap.
Head of Innovation
A kisnyugdíjas ahol tud, segít.
Kaotikus életet élő, szentimentális motorkerékpár-őrült.
Ha pokolra jutsz, legmélyére térj: az már a menny. Mert minden körbe ér.
Tizennégyszer láttam a Keresztapa-trilógiát.
Zenét hallgatok/készítek.
Szinteld magad a világra, légy magasabb, mint az árja.
Az vagy, amit nézel.
Hegedűs Ágota
Grafikus, belsőépítész.
Creative Image Artist
Büntetőbíró, majd mindenféle szöveg író.
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